Published by Robin
Batman operates in the fictional Gotham City with assistance from various supporting characters,including his butler Alfred, police commissioner Gordon, and vigilante allies such as Robin.Unlike most superheroes,Batman does not possess any superpowers;rather,he relies on his genius intellect,physical prowess,martial arts abilities,detective skills,science and technology,vastwealth,intimidation,and indomitable will.A large assortment of villians make up Batman's rogues gallery, including his archenemy,the Joker.
Published by Robin
Unlike most superheroes,Batman does not possess any superpowers;rather,he relies on his genius intellect,physical prowess,martial arts abilities,detective skills,science and technology,vastwealth,intimidation,and indomitable will.
Published by Robin
Unlike most superheroes,Batman does not possess any superpowers;rather,he relies on his genius intellect,physical prowess,martial arts abilities,detective skills,science and technology,vastwealth,intimidation,and indomitable will.
Published by Robin
Batman is the secret identity of Bruce Wayne Witnessing the murder of his parents as a child leads him to train himself to physical and intellectual perfection and don a bal-themed costume in order to fight crime.